Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome aboard. I hope you like it here...

Hello, I hope that you're happy, people.
I've tried so keeping a random blog on so many occasions, but have always failed.
Thankfully, I already have two blogs that keep me going, so I thought: why not have one more.
While the first two are more subjective, this is more of a ramble or rant of random thoughts that go through my head.
My head, as you can see from the image on the side of the page is fairly big. Therefore, I'm under the assumption that while my brain my not be fully functional, there is a teensy-weensy chance that the number of thoughts that go through it is directly proportional to the size. Therefore - and I tend to use this word a lot due to a science background, which I have no use for - there are a lot of thoughts in my head.
My thoughts, like all homo sapiens, range from a variety of topics. However, having said that, I tend to obsess over some than the others. Which if I look at, is probably a good thing. It helps me talk more crap and get away with it using substantial proof.
So right now, it's midnight in Mumbai. I've just finished writing about a cricket match and I'm convincing myself to keep this blog as a regular aspect of my life.
Hopefully, I'll get to be politically incorect, call everyone a bunch of cunts (except people I'm genuinely fond of. You guys know who you are), nasty, rude and all in all someone whose blog is visited regularly.
Until then, adios!

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