Thursday, April 28, 2011

The air conditioning factor

I consider myself fairly lucky.
The summer's bad, but thankfully I'm one of the few laptop users at office.
This analogy would not make sense to most of you, but my colleagues know exactly what I'm talking about.
Our office is a bungalow in Bandra that has a ground and first floor.
The air conditioners are not functioning on the first floor.
Thankfully, our bosses said that laptop owners can work downstairs where the air conditioner is fully functional.
Right now, myself and this other colleague of mine, who also happens to be a friend, are the most hated poople on the floor.
But that's okay. We have the AC.
That experience of sitting on the first floor made me realise what a government job feels like after lunch.
Your head feels heavy. You're eyes are drooping. There is this cooler that has been installed, but it doesn't have any effect because nobody feels cool. Yet the sound of a fan whirring at that pace becomes part of the room. It no longer feels like an external factor.
You're staring at your screen. Your head and neck feeling extremely sticky. Your mouth is dry. You ache for t that bottle of ice cold water, but it's not there because there aren't that many bottles in office. You make do with room temperature water, but you want ice. Ice. Cold ice to be part of you. You ache for it. Suddenly you realise that there is no drinking water available in office. Your mouth goes drier. You think, is this the end of me? Will I die because my body is going to melt? Is this what they call a slow and painful death? You feel your sweat trickle from your sides down your face. It's some form of water. You want it. You know you do. You stretch your tongue out to try and get that sweat on your tongue. You know it's salty, but right now, you don't care. You stretch your tongue as far as you can, but that drop seems far away. You sigh in disgust and walk down the stairs. All of a sudden, you feel this cool air blow on you and you realise that you're not in hell. The AC still works in office.
Suddenly, everything seems all right. And you even find a bottle of cold water in the fridge.

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